Monday, April 23, 2012


This post is about the study and research of the trebuchet. I have to research the trebuchet before building a model for a class competition in a distance and accuracy test.There are many credible sites to learn about the trebuchet and the physics of how it works. The trebuchet consists of trestles, a base, an axle, and a throwing arm and sling to throw the projectile. A mideival trebuchet would have been a few stories tall with the counter weight on the throwing arm weighing a few tons.The trebuchet im building will be a scale model. How the trebuchet works is simple to understand, the end of the throwing arm with the sling is latched to the base and then released and the end of the throwing arm with the counter weight, which is suspended, is dropped and pivots on the axle making the end with the sling throw the projectile. The picture above is the trebuchet I designed in solid works.

Here is a link to show you the trebuchet and watch to see how it works.

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